Eileen Haavik Mcintire Critically acclaimed author Reviews In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers

Last Month I had the pleasure of attending a book event at the Mechanicsburg Mystery Book Shop With Author Eileen McIntire and two other great authors. During the panel discussion we discussed our latest books. Ms. Mcintire who is an acomplished and successful author (see her books and book series below advised that she writes book reviews for latelastnightbooks.com. After reading In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers she has written a glowing review of my new book and it is posted and can be found on latelastnightbooks.com.

This old State Trooper is humbled to get such a great review from this well known author.


Author of Shadow and the Rock, The 90s Club and the Hidden Staircase, and The 90s Club and the Whispering Statue

17 NOVEMBER 2018 In Pursuit – The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers

If you lived in the D.C. Metro Area in October, 2002,  you remember the terror you felt as the Beltway Snipers killed people randomly on the street, in a store, filling gas, loading groceries into a car—17 killed  in all with 10 wounded. I was afraid, as we all were, to walk from my car to my house or anywhere else. If you were at the gas pump, you stooped to hide behind your car. You ran zigzaggedly into a store, kept your kids home from school, and prayed you wouldn’t be the next victim.

So this month I had the pleasure of being a panelist at the Mechanicsburg, PA, Mystery Book Shop. I sat next to David Reichenbaugh, also a panelist and author of In Pursuit: The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers. Dave served as the criminal intelligence operations commander for the Maryland State Police and as the commanding officer at the scene during the Beltway snipers’ capture in Myersville, MD. I found him an enthusiastic, pleasant, entertaining, and knowledgeable fellow panelist. He didn’t talk “copspeak” and he never once called me “ma’am.” Of course, I bought his book.

And what a read it is. I couldn’t put it down till the last page. This is a behind the scenes, first-person account, from day one to the capture and ultimate fate of two psychopaths, written by a man who was a leader in the local, multistate and FBI search across three states for the killers. The account conveys the frustrations, anger, and helplessness felt by the police officers with each murder. Everyone involved worked long hours, sometimes around the clock, in a race to prevent another killing.

The investigation involved organizing and coordinating the efforts of local police units, the state police, and the FBI despite territorial claims and ego interference The investigators had to deal with the media, too, scrambling after every scrap of information, insisting on more, giving the killers media attention, and offering media time to any self-proclaimed authority to second-guess what the investigators were doing.

As killing after killing occurred, the investigators realized they needed software that linked the various databases kept by the different departments. Computer programmers were hired to streamline and digitize the data collected.

Profilers were used who concluded that the killer was a white man working alone. The killers turned out to be a black man and a black teenager working together. After each killing, witnesses said they saw a white van with two men drive away.  The killers’ car was actually a blue Caprice, but the witnesses’ reports of a white van put investigators on the wrong track for weeks.

The author writes in a straightforward, highly readable style, and he doesn’t use “copspeak.” He expresses the rage and fear and frustration he felt as the investigators explored one blind alley after the next. He does give full credit to the other organizations and people involved in the investigation. I found his account fascinating and highly recommend In Pursuit – The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers by David Reichenbaugh.

I also recommend the Mechanicsburg Mystery Book Shop in Mechanicsburg, PA. This is a well-organized, neatly arranged shop with pleasant staff.



Eileen McIntire

Eileen has ridden a camel in the Moroccan Sahara, fished for piranhas on the Amazon, sailed in a felucca on the Nile, and lived for three years on a motorsailer, exploring the coast from Annapolis to Key West.  Eileen has many years experience writing, editing and designing all manner of publications for nonprofits and professional associations. She is now co-owner of Summit Crossroads Press, which publishes books for parents, and its fiction imprint, Amanita Books.  The inspiration for her 90s Club mystery series springs from meeting a slim, attractive woman at a pool party who was the only one actually in the pool swimming laps, and she was 91 years old. Since then, Eileen has collected articles about people in their 90s—and 100s—who are still active, alert and on the job. She often speaks at retirement villages on “Old Dogs, New

Dave's Head Shots, Hypnotic Imagery, LLC, Rebecca O'Neill, www.hypnoticimagery.com-5.jpg

Also don’t forget and mark your calendar on December 8th at Noon I will be at Turn The Page in Boonsboro Maryland with the great Nora Roberts for a book signing. This will be a great and exciting event. Stop by and share this event with me and get a signed book from not only me but the great Nora Roberts

David Reichenbaugh Maryland State Police Retired to appear at the Mechanicsbug Mystery Book shop this weekend

Author Retired Lt. David Reichenbaugh will appear this Saturday November 3rd at 1PM at the Mechanicsburg Mytery Book Shop as a member of a 4 author panel to discuss their books and answer questions from a moderator who will lead the discussion. Reichenbaugh presenting his book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be there along with Mystery authors Sarah Caine “The 8th Circle”, Eileen Mcintire “90’s club mystery series, and Eliot Pattison “Savage Liberty”. The authors will also sign their latest works. All of their books will be available for purchase.

If you are in the area stop by and heare from all 4 authors at the Mystery Shop’s Christmas in November Book event.

Their location is 6 Clouser Raod Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania


Listen to the author discuss the investigation and the hunt for the Beltway snipers who were responsible for the cold blooded murder of ten people and the wounding of 4 more in the DMV area. Here from the Trooper that brought their killing spree to a close and brought the two ruthless snipers to justice.

National Law Enforcement Museum Grand Opening Weekend

Retired Maryland State Police Lieutenant helps celebrate the grand opening of the National Law Enforcement Museum in Judiciary Square Washington D.C. by presenting CEO Craig Floyd with an autographed Copy of his new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers. The beltway sniper case along with many other cases, investigations, and artifacts are on full display at the brand new museum. The museum tells the story of American Law Enforcement and the men and women who have stood the thin blue line. For Reichenbaugh it was an honor to donate a signed copy of his book for inclusion in the museum library.

In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers is available in book stores and on on line. Link on the link below to get your copy.

Retired State Police Lieutenants First Week of Book events Proves successful

Retired Maryland State Police Lt David Reichenbaugh hit the road with his new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers during the last weekend of September and the first week of October. His book about the inside story about the investigation, hunt and capture of the beltway snipers was welcomed with enthusiastic audiences who asked a ton of questions and shared their stories of how the two blood thirsty killers that went on a 23 day shooting spree across 2 states and the District of Columbia affected their lives. Reichenbaugh made stops at the Baltimore Book Festival, Four Seasons Books in Sherperdstown West Virginia, Barnes & Noble, Frederick Maryland, Scrawl Books, Reston Virginia, City Books, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, and finally The New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association in Baltimore Maryland

In Pursuit is now available in fine book stores and on line at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indie Bound

Four Seasons Books Sheperdstown WV Hosts Retired MSP Lt's Book Launch

My family and I were honored to hold my book Launch for In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers at Four Seasons Books on Wednesday Night October 3rd. We were able to pack the store with approximately 40 people and the store sold out every copy of In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers that they had on hand. It was a lot of fun and I can not thank Four Seasons Enough. I hope to return there for another book launch when my second book is complete. I will be at the Frederick Barnes and Noble on Friday October 5th at 7PM. I will then be in Pittsburgh at City Books on Saturday night October 6th at 7pm. I liik forward to every one of these events and hope to see you there

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Surrounded by his youngest Grandchildren, David Reichenbaugh MSP retired launches In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers

Author David Reichenbaugh MD State Police Retired made an appearance on stage at the 2018 Baltimore Book Festival

David Reichenbaugh appeared on stage at the 2018 Baltimore Book Festival in conversation with Tom Mauriello, Lecturer at the University of Maryland’s Criminal Justice Program, and owner of Forensiq. The two discussed David’s new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers. The discussion was well attended and the author signed books at the conclusion of the presentation. His new book will be released tomorrow on October 2nd and is already in book stores.

Author of In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers taped an interview for Law Enforcement Today

Retired Maryland State Police Lieutenant David Reichenbaugh and author of In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers, to be released on October 2nd 2018, was interviewed by John “Jay” Wiley, radio talk show host of Law Enforcement Today. Jay and Reichenbaugh had a candid discussion about the sniper investigation, its impact on not only the Mid Atlantic Region, but the entire nation. The taped interview went for close to 4o minutes and Reichenbaugh discussed his role in the investigation as well as the importenance of his new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers from a historical perspective. The interview will be broadcast on associated radio stations across the nation next week. It will also be available the following Monday as a pod cast on lawenforcement today.com.

Check out the interview and hear from the author directly. The book will be released on October 2nd and will be in book stores around the area and the nation. It is also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indie bound. Retired Lt. Reichenbaugh will also be at the Baltimore Book Festival on Saturday September 29th at noon on the Inner Harbor stage where he will be in conversation about In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers, with Tom Maureillo, University of Maryland Criminal Just Department Professor and owner of ForensiQ, He will follow up with a book signing and his new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers which will be available at the Festival.

Dave's Head Shots, Hypnotic Imagery, LLC, Rebecca O'Neill, www.hypnoticimagery.com-5.jpg

Retired State Police Lt Announces Book Launch Location for In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers

Retired Maryland State Police Lieutenant David Reichenbaugh is honored to Accept an Invitation from Four Season Books 116 W. German Street in the heart of historic Sheperdstown West Virginia to launch his first book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers on Wednesday October 3rd 2018 at 7:00PM.  Four Season Books is a family owned quality book store in the college town of Sheperdstown West Virginia just across the beautiful Shenandoah river from the authors home.

In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be released on October 2nd and will be in fine book stores across the nation.  It is also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indie Bound. It is also available directly from the publisher University Press of New England Fore Edge Books by going to their web page.  In Pursuit is a true crime story as told by the author who played a major role in the investigation, man hunt and capture of the Beltway Snipers.  In October 2002 the two cold blooded murderers who killed unsuspecting innocent citizens at random using a high powered sniper rifle in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia brought the entire region to its knees in fear.   Nobody could predict who or where they would kill next.  The random killings sparked the largest and most intense manhunt in American Law Enforcement History.   This book, the first of its kind, takes the reader inside the mind of the author as he along with about 1000 other cops worked round the clock to identify and pursue the snipers to the ends of the earth if need be to bring their cold blooded murder spree to an end. Read along as the three week investigation and man hunt intensified with every shooting. This true crime book details how the investigation unfolded and details the frustrations and the determination of the investigation and concluded with the intense capture of the snipers in the Myersville Maryland I-70 Rest area on top of South Mountain in Frederick County.


The author is thrilled to hold his book launch at Four Season Books and looks forward to this event and having a chance to not only thank the gracious owners, but to thank his family and others who assisted in this five year project to bring this book from outline to reality..  Pleas join us as we celebrate the release of In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers.



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Retired State Police Lt. Author of In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers to Appear at Barnes & Noble Fairfax Virginia

David Reichenbaugh has accepted an invitation to conduct a Book event, book signing, and answer questions about his new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers On October 21st 2018 at Barnes & Noble 12193 Fair Lakes Promenade, Fairfax Virginia at 2:00PM.  Reichenbaugh returns to Fairfax which was one of the epee-centers of the three weeks of terror created by the beltway snipers in October 2002.  During those three weeks the beltway snipers John Mohammad and Lee Malvo murdered 10 people in cold blood and wounded 4 more in the Northern Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia area.  Their cold blooded attacks innocent people who were just going about their daily routines resulted in the largest and most intense man hunt in American History.  In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers takes the reader inside the investigation, inside the mind of the author David Reichenbaugh.  Reichenbaugh who along with his team tracked leads, ran down thousands of tips and worked around the clock to first identify the cold blooded killers then track them down to an interstate rest area on top of South Mountain in Myersville Maryland. This is the first time after 16 years that the true story for the hunt for the beltway snipers has been told.  In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers is a must read for those that remember the fear that gripped the entire mid Atlantic region.   Endorsed by Joseph Wambaugh, New York Times Best Selling author of such american police classics at the Onion Field and Choir Boys. In Pursuit can be found in great book stores such as Barnes & Noble on October 2nd.   It is also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indie Bound

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In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be released to a fine book Store near you on October 2nd, 2018.

In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be released to a fine book Store near you on October 2nd, 2018.

Retired State Police Lt. Accepts Invitation to appear in Rockville Maryland for a book event on October 27th

Retired Maryland State Trooper David Reichenbaugh is honored to accept an invitation to Appear at the Rockville Barnes & Noble 12089 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland on Saturday October 27th at 2:00PM to sign his new book  In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers to sign books and answer questions about the sniper case and the most intense and largest man hunt in American history.  In Pursuit The Hunt For the Beltway Snipers is the first book to detail the true story of how the investigation was conducted over that highly emotionally charged three weeks.  He returns to the area that suffered the most as the snipers set their sights on numerous innocent people who were just trying to go about their daily lives in the Montgomery County Maryland area.  In Pursuit The Hunt for The Beltway Snipers takes you inside the head of Lieutenant David Reichenbaugh as he and his team tracked leads and sorted through the tens of thousands of tips that came in over the three weeks.  Learn how the police finally got the tip that turned the snipers from hunters into the hunted.  Learn how they were tracked down to a rest area in Frederick County Maryland where Reichenbaugh led a team of State Troopers who were out gunned and cornered the snipers bringing their three weeks of terror to an end and serving them with a good old fashioned dose of justice.  In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers. has received the Endorsement of New York Times Best selling true crime Author Joseph Wambaugh who penned such classics as the Onion Field and more than 20 other true crimes books.  It has also received the endorsement of Maureen Boyle author of Shallow Graves, which is currently in book stores and available on line.  In Pursuit, The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be available in fine book stores like Barnes & Noble on October 2nd.  It is currently available for pre orders on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Indie Bound.  Click on the lin below to place your order.  The authro looks forward to this event and signing book for the citizens this case affected the most.

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In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be released on October 2nd 2018

Retired State Police Lieutenant to appear at Nora Roberts Bookstore, Turn the Page in Boonsboro

Retired Maryland State Police Lt. David Reichenbaugh has accepted an Invitation to appear at Turn The Page bookstore in Boonsboro Maryland on December 8th 2018 at noon to sign his new book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers. For Reichenbaugh, it is a real honer to have been invited to appear at New York Times Best Selling Author, Nora Roberts, Boonsboro Book Store.  He will be there at Noon to sign his book In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers,  and answer any questions about his book or about the investigation and arrest.  Reichenbaugh led his team of highly professional Troopers, all from the local area, and cornered the two ruthless killers at the Myersville Rest area only a few minutes from the Boonsboro Book Store.  In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers details one of the most intense manhunts in American history.  The book takes the reader inside the investigation as more than 1000 law enforcement officers from Federal, State, County, City, and local law enforcement agencies frantically hunted for clues to first identify the ruthless killers, then track the killers to the Myersville Rest area where Reichenbaugh and his team put an end to the killers blood lust. The book takes the reader inside the head of Lt. Reichenbaugh as he worked the case from day one until the end.   Reichenbaugh looks forward to appearing at Turn the Page and seeing old friends and making new ones.


In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be available in fine book stores like Turn the Page in Boonsboro on October 2nd 2018.  It is also currently available to be pre ordered on Amazon, Barnes &Noble, and Indie Bound.  Click on the links at the bottom of this web page to order your copy of In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers.

In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers Gains Momentum for its early October Release

Retired Maryland State Police Lieutenant David Reichenbaugh's New book In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers scheduled for release on October 2nd 2018 is building momentum for its first week in fine book stores across the region and the nation. David has accepted an invitation to appear at the New Atlantic Independent Book Sellers Association Conference at they Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor Baltimore Maryland on Sunday evening October 7th.   This will be a chance for David to meet and greet Independent Book sellers at their fall conference, sign autographs and answer questions about In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers.  The word is out to book stores across the region and the nation that this book which finally after 16 years will tell the true story how the police identified, and hunted the beltway snipers that killed 10 people and wounded 4 more just in two states and the District of Columbia for three bloody and terrifying weeks in October 2002.  The book published by UPNE ForeEdge Books has received growing interest across the region and nation as the release date becomes closer.  Reichenbaugh's first full weekend after the October 2nd will find him on Friday evening October 5th at Barnes & Noble in Frederick Maryland, City Books in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania on Saturday October 6th then back to Baltimore on the 7th to be the guest of NAIBA for their conference.  As he travels around this fall he is very much looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones at book events around the region.  Keep checking this web page and his Facebook author page for a complete list of upcoming scheduled book events.

Dave's Head Shots, Hypnotic Imagery, LLC, Rebecca O'Neill, www.hypnoticimagery.com-34.jpg

In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will arrive in Book stores and other fine retail outlets on October 2nd 2018.  The book can be pre ordered by clicking on the links below at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indie Bound.

S.T.A.T.E team commander recalls the night the Snipers were captured in Myersville Maryland

What a lot of people didn't realize was that at the time of their capture, Malvo was the true dominant personality. Muhammad was lying on the ground cuffed behind his back, complacent and submissive. I immediately saw Malvo's eyes and knew he was looking for any opportunity to run......... I told one of the K-9 handlers that I wanted that patrol dog sitting right next to Malvo and drooling on his neck. We placed the dog right over top of Malvo and it was the only time he stopped looking for an avenue of escape. I was so concerned about Malvo especially, that I had them him and Muhammad placed separately in two different MSP units with an investigator, a STATE team member and one of the suspects in each vehicle. We assigned a K-9 unit behind each one of the MSP units along with a tailing STATE vehicle. Forget the "he was just a kid" rhetoric, he knew what he was doing,.....and loved doing it. [Jim Ballard Major, Maryland State Police Retired]

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Major Jim Ballard led the TANGO Team the night the beltway snipers were caught ending their three week bloody rampage in the Capitol Region of Maryland, D.C., and Virginia.  David Reichenbaugh's In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers, takes the reader inside the investigation and one of the most intense manhunts in American History. Told by one of only a few who know the entire story from day one thru their capture.   In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers is coming to a book store near you on October 2nd 2018.  The author will also be making numerous appearances around the region for book events beginning at the Baltimore Book Festival on September 29th.   Keep checking back on this web page for date, locations, and times near you.  In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers is avaialbe now for pre orders on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indie Bound.

Local Residents Recall living in fear during the Beltway Snipers rampage.

Katherine White I can't believe they are going to waste time and money on a new sentencing hearing for Lee Boyd Malvo. His crime was heinous. He was tried fairly as an adult and was given a life sentence because he was young. Otherwise he would have been executed as his cohort. He deserves no more "special" consideration for his age. His sentence should remain the same.

I have lived in Aspen Hill since 1970 and except for the several year era of the Aspen Hill Rapist, the 3 week reign of terror that Malvo and his step father incurred on the Aspen Hill/Silver Spring/Rockville area was horrific. People were terrified to buy gas. They would hide behind their car doors or in their cars like that was going to make a difference. Life sentence was not fair to all the innocent people they murdered or shot throughout the Washington/Virginia vicinity.

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David Reichenbaugh's new book In Pursuit, The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be coming to a book store near you on October 2nd 2018.  Reichenbaugh takes the reader thru the nuts and bolts of the beltway sniper case form the initial killing to the high pressure take down of the two blood thirsty killers in a rest area off I-70 in Myersville Maryland.    

Currently available for pre orders on  Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Indie Bound.     Reserve you copy today.   Book events and book signings will begin in late September. Check Davids Web page for dates locations and times.

Beltway Sniper Lee Malvo Federal Judge Orders new Sentencing

Since Lee Malvo was 17 when he along with John Muhammad went on their three week bloody killing spree in the Washington Metro area and became the subjects of one of the most intensive man hunts in American history a Federal Judge has ordered the re sentencing of Malvo because due to recent Supreme Court rulings he could not be given life with no parole.  He along with Muhammad was responsible for gunning down 10 people and wounding 4 more 16 years ago.  To get more information and read how police tracked the two blood thirsty killers down read David Reichenbaugh's In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers.   The book will be released on October 2nd 2018 but is currently available as a pre order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Indy Bound


Click on the link above to read the details.

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Former LA Detective Sergeant and Best selling author Endorses David Reichenbaugh's First Book "In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers"

Former LA Detective Sergeant and New York Times Best Selling Author Joseph Wambaugh has endorsed David Reichenbaugh's "In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers".   The best selling author has written more than 20 books and is best known for penning The Onion Field, Choir Boys, The New Centurions, among others.  Known as a Master crime writer Joesph Wambaugh has honored retired Maryland State Police Lieutenant David Reichenbaugh with this glowing endorsement.  In Pursuit is the gripping true account of the cops that investigated the Sniper case from day One until the blood thirsty killers were cornered in an Interstate Highway rest area in Myersville Maryland.  Here is what Joseph Wambaugh had to say about "In Pursuit"

"One thousand law enforcers joined the baffling, nerve-racking manhunt for the Beltway Snipers whose murderous reign of terror left seventeen dead and ten wounded, panicking two states as well as our nation's capital.  Told by a State Trooper who was there right to the end during those chilling bloody weeks of October, 2002.  Joseph Wambaugh


In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be released and in stores on October 2nd 2019. An advanced signed copy can be obtained on September 29th at the Baltimore Book Festival where the writer will appear for a book event and book signing.    It is also currently available at Amazon for pre release orders.  Click on the Amazon link at the bottom of the page.

New York Times Best selling author Joseph Wambaugh

New York Times Best selling author Joseph Wambaugh

Citizens and Troopers Recall where they were during the reign of terror caused by the Beltway Snipers in 2002

Citizens remember the fear. Troopers recall where they were assigned and the feeling they were targets of opportunity for the snipers hoping to draw their fire instead of the snipers taking aim at another child at a school.  Read all of the testimonials on the web page.  Retired Maryland State Police Lt David Reichenbaugh's In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers takes the reader back to those three weeks in 2002 when the Mid Atlantic region specifically the Washington Capitol Region lived in fear of the blood thirty Killers that stalked targets of opportunity with their Sniper Rifle. Who would be next as more than 1000 Law enforcement officers including Federal, State, County, and City worked around the clock to run the killers to ground and put a stop to their senseless killing.  In Pursuit the Hunt for the Beltway Snipers will be released to retail outlets and book stores on October 2nd.  It is currently available on Amazon for pre orders. 

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Award Winning Journalist Endorses David Reichenbaugh's In Pursuit, The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers

Maureen Boyle Award winning Journalist and Author of Shallow Graves, The Hunt for the New Bedford Serial Killers endorses David Reichenbaugh's new book. Maureen in addition to being an author of Shallow Graves has spent more than 25 years as a crime reporter in New England.  Here is what she had to say about In Pursuit.



In Pursuit: The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers is an insightful must-read for crime fans, those in law enforcement, and anyone looking to learn more about this case which terrorized the nation. David Reichenbaugh, the former criminal intelligence operations commander for the Maryland State Police, brings the reader behind the scenes and into the world of the investigators struggling to catch the killers before yet another person dies.” — Maureen Boyle, author of Shallow Graves


The Final Step before Publication, Approving the Page Proofs

May 20th 2018.  The Author of, In Pursuit The Hunt for the Beltway Snipers, David Reichenbaugh, reviews and approves the page proofs for the book he received from the publisher earlier in the week.  Approving the page proofs is the last step in the publishing process for the author.  The author reviews the proof pages looking for any errors that may have occurred during every step of the publishing process.  This process includes the original writing, rewrites, editing, copy edits completed by a professional copy editor, and the type setting.  The author has the final review and approval of the manuscript.  During the review of the page proofs only typos are corrected and slight adjustments are made by the author.  The manuscript has also been sent to an indexer to prepare the final index for In Pursuit.  The book cover has been finalized and the marketing plan is in the early stages of implimintation.  With the release date for the book Scheduled on October 2nd 2018, the 16th anniversary of the 23 days of terror the beltway snipers brought to the Mid Atlantic Area specifically, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, the publication process has reached crunch time and deadlines.  In Pursuit has been a five year project by the author who played a critical part in the investigation of the Beltway Snipers and found himself in command and face to face with the killers on a dark Late October night in Myersville, Maryland.

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